Bird Banding
Songbird Banding Project
Jones Preserve
Spring and fall songbird banding activities take place at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s Jones Preserve located at the end of Monaghan Road (past Camp Patmos). The banding station is behind the gate to Long Point. This is a restricted preserve, so visitors must stay with a banding staff member at all times. Since there is limited area behind the gate, parking is for staff only, Also, there is private property beyond the preserve, so please be respectful of vehicles driving through and keep the drive clear. Parking is available about 100 yards before the gate and marked. Please park there and walk to the station. No pets around the nets, please.
Coordinates: 41.6167 N 082.6800 W
Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Jones Preserve
(at the end of Monaghan Road behind gate)
Owl banding begins around the middle of October and continues nightly until the end of November (weather permitting). There are three banding locations for owl capture but all owl banding is done at the Scheele Preserve on Monaghan Road just north of Airline Road. Please do not park directly across the road as this is private property. There is marked parking to the south of the Scheele Preserve on both sides of the road.

H. Thomas Bartlett (Federal Permit # 21624)
1833 South Winfield Drive
Tiffin, Ohio 44883
(419) 447-0005
567-278-2300 or 419-937-6255
Bird Banding Schedule
Location and information on the Kelleys Island Preserves can be found HERE
Songbird banding begins ½ hour before sunrise and usually ends mid-afternoon. It is at the CMNH’s Jones Preserve (end of Monaghan Road). Owl banding begins just after sunset at the Scheele Preserve (on Monaghan Road)
Spring 2024 Kelleys Island Banding Schedule
April 6- Set-up Day
April 7-8 Banding at the State Park, part of the Eclipse program
April 20 Setup day at Jones Preserve and Morse Farm
April 21-26- Banding 6:00 AM to 2:00 PM
April 26- Banding 6:00 AM to noon, take down nets and equipment
May 18- Jones Preserve and Morse farm set-up
May 19-24 Banding 6:00 AM to 3ish PM
May 27-30 Banding 6:00 AM to 3ish PM
May 31 band until noon, close the nets and leave the island.
More information on fall banding coming soon.
December – Feeder Banding /North Pond Banding TBD, Owl Banding TBD
December-Lake Erie Islands Christmas Bird Count, Owl Banding Sunset to ???

Kelleys Island Banding Totals 1996-2022
Click HERE to download the total birds banded on Kelleys Island
Click below to download
Birds of Lake Erie Islands 2022 Check sheet.
33 Birds of Lake Erie Islands 2023 Checklist Titles
34 Birds of Lake Erie Islands 2023 Checklist
Bird Banding 2022 Full Report
Click the following link to download the 2022 Full Report.
Highlights of 2021 Bird Banding Season
Kelleys Island
2021 marked the 26th year of the bird/banding avian research project on Kelleys Island conducted by Tom and Paula Bartlett, and with the continued pandemic, followed similar rules to 2020 however with a little more public involvement. The Bartletts, along with their assistants, banded almost 3029 individual birds from 84 species in 2020. In the fall owl banding sessions, 122 Northern Saw-whet Owls and 3 Eastern Screech Owls were banded. For the 2021 banding year, no new species were added to the island’s list. Uncommonly banded birds included five Red-bellied Woodpeckers, two White-eyed Vireo, three Fox Sparrow, a Northern Waterthrush, four Orange-crowned Warbler, three Connecticut Warblers, and three Rose-breasted Grosbeak. On October 22, Tom banded a Northern Saw-whet Owl at the Scheele Preserve, his 100,000th bird banded since he began banding birds in 1971. Then on November 3rd, they banded their 1000th Northern Saw-whet Owl on the island. To date, 23,704 birds of 122 species have been banded by the team on Kelleys Island.
We ask members and visitors to respect and follow the protocols for visitors to the stations in 2021, as they become known. We know that the banding station will be open to visitors in 2022 but with some restrictions. Check the KIAC website, our Facebook page, or Tom’s personal FB page at “KI Birder” for the latest information as the year progresses. The KIAC would like to express our deep appreciation for the tireless efforts of Tom and Paula Bartlett over these many years. They are truly an “Island Treasure”!
At banding, see the migrating, neo-tropical songbirds and owls up close and personal.
Meet at the Jones Preserve, Long Point, the north end of Monagan Road for songbirds and Scheele Preserve on Monaghan Road for owls.
Stay in touch!
- (419) 746-2258
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